Friday, July 2, 2010

Enviro WIP

So I've decided leaving my blog for 'finished pieces only' is kinda pointless, mostly cause I'm doing so much experimenting lately and the fact it'd take me waaayy too long to post finished work anyway.

So. Here is another work in progress. BUT. I am pretty happy with where this one is heading and am keen to finish it off. Hmmmmm


Caleb Salisbury said...

Nice... good to see loose posts go up. Its always tempting to wait it out for the final art but I can tell you your fellow artists get more out of the process than the result.


Unknown said...

Mike! nice stuff. sense of colour and mood is brilliant!

Jeremy Kool said...

This is beautiful. I'm working on a 3D idea with a similar vibe. Hats off sir! Hats OFF!